In Person

Down Syndrome Association NT continue to accept cash donations and we would love to thank you personally when you arrive.
All cash donations should be hand delivered to Down Syndrome Association NT at Shop 75 Smith Street Darwin City, (under Chinatown carpark) during our normal business hours, 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. A receipt will be provided as donations of $2.00 or more are tax deductible.
Bank Transfer

You can also make a donation by direct debit or cheque using this form
Donations over $2 are tax deductible.
Cash for Containers

The NT Government scheme of paying cash for recycling containers has created an opportunity for us to raise funds and raise awareness. More importantly this project has created twelve jobs for young people with disability.
We can pick up your containers from your business or residential address. The containers are delivered to our depot where young adults sort the containers for 10 cent recycling. The C4C program needs a constant supply of recyclable cans, plastic and glass bottles to keep the program running. We thank you for your support.
Send us an email expressing your interest in our Cash for Containers Scheme or click the button for more information.

WIMS are seeking shoe donations, please ask your family and friends if they can help.
Any shoes are great shoes!
Drop your shoes to WIMS store or DSANT office. Call for collection also available.