What is the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is now in operation across the Northern Territory.  The Scheme enables people with a disability to choose services and supports which assist them in their lives.

DSANT provides training and workshops to families who are new to the NDIS, or who are developing their skills in on-going planning for further plans through the NDIS.

The key elements of the NDIS is that it provides people living with disability a real choice and control over the supports they require.  These supports need to be reasonable and necessary, provide value for money, and provide services that meet the goals identified in the NDIS Plan.

DSANT Services through the NDIS

DSANT provides a range of services through the NDIS.

Centre based programs are offered through Project21, post school learning centre based in Coconut Grove.

Employment training and skills development services are offered through our two social enterprises: Cash for Containers Project (recycling) and WIMS (Walking in my Shoes retail outlet).

Support Coordination through highly qualified staff working with families and people with Down syndrome and intellectual disabilities.

NDIS categories

DSANT is a registered NDIS service provider and provides services under the following NDIS categories:

  • Assist Access / Maintain Employment
  • Assist-Life Stage, Transition
  • Assist – Personal Activities
  • Assist – Travel/Transport
  • Comms & Info Equipment
  • Development- Life Skills
  • Group/Centre Activities
  • Participate Community
  • Support Coordination

NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework

DSANT supports the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework and is registered to provide services that meet the best practice guidelines under this framework.  Registration to deliver services is completed by an Audit process which is rigorous and detailed.  DSANT is currently registered through the NT Quality and Safeguarding Framework and is engaged in audit for the NDIA Quality and Safeguarding Framework due for completion January 2021.

Project21 is a Registered Service Provider under the National Disability Insurance Scheme.  Project21 provides centre based activities, accessing community programs, Coordination of Supports and a wide range of programs that may be suitable to meet individual goals.

The Down Syndrome Association of the NT Inc manages and delivers programs through Project21.  Please contact the Executive Officer, Down Syndrome Association NT for further information pertaining to programs and enrolment criteria.

If you are interested in the services that can be provided to you through your NDIS plan please contact Rachel Kroes, Executive Officer on rachel@downsyndroment.com.au